Mark Farrow's Articles

Quartet to stun Bay audiences in festival finale founding first

A PIONEERING partnership between the National Arts Festival and the Mandela Bay Development Agency (MBDA) will see the annual festival decisively extending its footprint into Port Elizabeth through a first of its kind performance by the Odeion String Quartet as part of the Hidden Treasures programme on July 8 at the Athenaeum Little Theatre.

NMMU brings renowned photographer Ballen to showcase ‘Playpen’ at PE gallery

Uncanny interpretation of social life, childhood on show at Athenaeum.

IN Playpen, the expertly curated Roger Ballen Photographic retrospective, dark matter meets deep, brutal and uncomfortable honesty and seizes the content of childhood and locks it into the four gossamer walls of play.

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  1. Re: PE to host Market Theatre festival auditions at Little Theatre

    Hi, I'm Sphamandla Kunene from a cast called THINASONKE, which is based in PINETOWN under DURBAN. We...

    -- SPHA